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  • About Us

    So what is this Orkut Testimonials website all about?

    We are so busy in our lives that we sometimes don’t even have time to sign a piece of paper let alone write whole chunk of paragraphs for someone. We prefer to meet people online rather than meeting them face to face. In this fast paced world we know that YOU don’t have the time to write amazing testimonials for your beloved friends and family members.

    Sometimes you want to write a testimonial for a friend but just run out of words and you don’t know what to write.. and sometimes you cant describe what you feel and there are also times when you are just plain bored to type.

    Keeping this in mind, we decided to create a platform where you can get access to a whole lot of handy and ready to use testimonials with that personal touch and warmth.

    Here you can write testimonial for boy, or Girl. A warm testimonial for your cute sister or crazy brother! An affectionate testimonial for your girlfriend or wife. A friends birthday coming up? No problem just use the readymade birthday testimonials and please them. also have collection of testimonials with designs and a plethora of general testimonials from which you can get ideas and craft something on your own!

    If you arent able to find just the right testimonial in the categories , we highly recommend you to go see the right side of the website under "Testimonial Lists" which has a all testimonials listed under it.

    If you have any requests or questions please dont hesitate to use the comment form and we would respond as quick as possible!!

    Spread the love!

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Need to write testimonial for a close friend on Orkut ?? Running out of words?? Cant describe?? or just plain bored to type? May it be anything, Orkut-Testimonial will help you write awesome testimonials for your friends, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend. We have lot of sample testimonials which will give you inspiration to write. If you have any requests please ask. We will be glad to help!! Cheers!!

Testimonial Lists